
Happy Jackie Robinson Day!

Sixty-two years ago today, on April 15, 1947, Jackie Robinson integrated Major League Baseball.

Robinson’s 10-year career had an unquestioned and inestimable impact on the Civil Rights movement in the United States. The skill and grace with which he played and the way he handled himself on and off the field forced many Americans to face difficult questions about race for the first time, and ultimately resulted in the changing of the hearts and minds of millions.

I’ve written more on Jackie Robinson here, but I just wanted to take note of today’s significance.


John Wright 4/16/09, 7:05 AM  

I thought the league-wide use of his number yesterday was a nice touch, even if it resulted in dozens of bad jokes about #42 being on deck or #42 warming up in the bullpen.

Luke Dockery 4/16/09, 8:01 PM  


I agree…I'm in favor of anything they do to make it a big day. Heck, I think it should be a national holiday.

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