C.S. Lewis on Giving

–C.S. Lewis, in Mere Christianity
Does this step on anyone else’s toes a bit? I am convinced that the greatest sin of American Christianity is the way we spend our money.
Posted by: Luke Dockery at 11:05 AM
Filed in: C.S. Lewis, Christian Living, Christianity, Giving, Materialism, Money, Quotations
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"The greatest sin of American Christianity" is an interesting topic for thought, but you certainly might be right. It's very easy to give too little to church, charities, and people in need without realizing it. We might donate a large amount, but it comes from a large excess. Plus, we compare our giving with what we perceive as average. Challenging and insightful quote from Lewis.
ouch... that one hurt
Thanks for the comment!
“The greatest sin of American Christianity” would be a topic for a lot of discussion, because American Christianity has plenty of sins vying for that title!
Giving out of our excess vs. sacrificial giving is definitely something a struggle with.
For me too!
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