How I Did In 2008

1. Blog on a more regular basis. Specifically, I mentioned that I’d like to blog three times a week. That would come out to roughly 150 posts in a year, and last year, I posted 100 times exactly.
Verdict: 2/3 Success. I’ll renew this resolution for 2009.
2. Blog with more balance. With this resolution, I was decrying the tendency I have to get into ruts when I blog and I even suggested dedicating certain days to certain types of posts.
Verdict: Failure, but I’ve also decided it was a stupid resolution. I’ll try to balance out topics as much as possible, but I’m not going to not post something just because it’s on a similar topic to a recent post.
3. When you start a “series,” finish it. Looking back, it seems like I did continue to struggle with some series, but I did finally bring the abortion series to a conclusion, and I was pleased with that.
Verdict: Partial Success. Still room for improvement.
4. Do a better job responding to comments. I think I responded to virtually all of my commenters in 2008, and I think I generally did so in a timely fashion (sometimes comments were sent to my Bulk mail folder, and I didn’t become aware of them at first).
Verdict: Success. I’ll try for more of the same in 2009.
Out of four resolutions, it looks like I successfully followed through with about 2 1/2, which comes out to roughly 63%. That’s not so good on a report card, or as a slogan either (“63% Successful Since 2008!”), but I guess I’ll take it.
SEARCY, Ark. — Long-time observers of the Major League Blogosphere are shaking their heads in wonderment, all agreeing that never before has there been — and perhaps never again will there be — anything to compare to the 2008 season turned in by Farmington's Luke Dockery.
The 25-year-old Dockery reached base at a ridiculous clip of .625 on his New Year's resolutions, eclipsing the previous on-base record of .609, set by Barry Bonds in 2004.
But numbers fail to tell the entire story. Bonds — a noted connoisseur of steroids, human growth hormone, and apparently even bovine growth hormone — has been thoroughly disgraced as a cheater not fit to launder Hank Aaron's uniform.
Meanwhile, anyone who has ever looked at Dockery can attest that the young man has never ingested any of the above substances. Or, for that matter, milk. Or vegetables.
Making Dockery's performance all the more remarkable, he was sidelined with an appendix operation when the year began, and with a mysterious sickness at year's end.
Though Dockery vows to continue to improve in 2009, insiders are wondering what effect moving to a new home facility in Farmington might have on the intrepid switch-hitting utility youth minister.
Even more concerning are persistent rumors that Dockery's general manager, Caroline, is testing the free-market waters for a canine. How Dockery responds to being moved down in the lineup is anyone's guess.
Two outta three ain't bad. Meatloaf made millions on that premise alone.
I’m somewhat speechless, but I’d say that we have an early front runner for “Comment of the Year.”
And, that I do believe I can improve upon .625.
I’m glad we’re in agreement, although I find it unfortunate that Meatloaf was your metaphor of choice.
You might be the best blogger I have ever met in terms of response comments. You should consider that a major success.
Woohoo! More evidence of success. I’ll pat myself on the back accordingly.
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