The Great (Fire)Wall
Being all about censorship as communist governments have generally tended to be, the People’s Republic of China has constructed a massive firewall to restrict certain internet sites that the government doesn’t think its citizens should have access to.
The popularly-named “Great Firewall of China” blocks sites including Wikipedia and the BBC, but through this neat website where you can test your URL on the firewall, I discovered that The Doc File isn’t blocked—I guess I’m just not that controversial.Before I ran the test, I thought I understood why I wasn’t getting a lot of hits and page views from China’s 1.3 billion inhabitants, but now that I know that my blog isn’t one of the sites being blocked, I’m completely at a loss.
Maybe I should write more posts in Mandarin?
I'm betting ain't blocked either. Why haven't you joined yet, jerk?
My blog is blocked. Maybe because I've been writing about how much I love Switzerland...?
Surely they can’t be too bad about you loving Switzerland…they’re neutral and everyone loves them, right?
I do think I remember reading somewhere that Wordpress blogs are generally blocked, and this seemed to be the case when I tested a few WP blogs that I knew of.
Shoot, even Elrod’s blog was blocked, and if the PRC government doesn’t approve of his leftist views, what hope is there for the rest of us?
Apparently, Luke, all you need to do is have the words "democracy" or "freedom of speech" in your blog to get blocked. Matter of fact, I may have just done that for you.
Anything that makes me a concern to the PRC is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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